The most advanced and ultrasound examination that is conducted using modern ultrasound machines equipped with powerful computers and specific multi-crystal heads. The examination is fully automated without an operator being present and provides the most reliable ultrasound examination in detecting “hard to spot” minor lesions.
Frequent Questions
What is 3D Automated Breast Ultrasound?
Specially evolved ultrasound examination, that is conducted using modern ultrasound machines equipped with powerful computers and specific multi-crystal heads. Through this method the radiologist has the opportunity to study the three-dimensional anatomy and pathology in real time. This possibility allows the operator to have at his/her disposal all three coordinates of the organ or pathology (cyst, tumor etc.) to be studied depicted on screen simultaneously as well as a three dimensional reconstruction of the internal section of the organ or lesion. Breast and tumor vascularisation and the internal wall of vessels are three dimensionally studied in real time in order for the examiner to immediately make a safe diagnosis.